The Flying McCoys A Hilarious Blend of Absurdity and Wit

The Flying McCoys, created by brothers Gary and Glenn McCoy, brings a delightful twist to the world of single-panel comics. With an eclectic blend of superheroes, office humor, cuddly animals, and twisted relationships, their work sits at the intersection of absurdity and relatable humor.


Drawing inspiration from iconic influences like The New Yorker, Mad Magazine, and legendary humorists such as Gary Larson and Conan O’Brien, The Flying McCoys captures life’s oddities in a style that’s both unique and universally appealing.

Gary and Glenn McCoy have carved out a niche that combines the satirical with the heartwarming, an approach that has earned them a devoted fanbase. Each panel draws you into its world, often starting with an ordinary scene before adding a humorous twist be it a superhero grappling with a mundane problem

or an animal character finding itself in an all-too-human situation. The brothers’ humor is refreshing and unpredictable, inviting readers to see familiar experiences through a slightly twisted lens.

Profile info The Flying McCoys












Their distinct comedic voice is underscored by the fact that both Gary and Glenn are award-winning cartoonists. This accolade speaks to their exceptional ability to turn even the simplest scenarios into moments of wit, sometimes with biting satire, sometimes with gentle humor, but always with an unexpected spin. It’s no surprise that The Flying McCoys has been cherished by readers for years, as they seamlessly blend a classic cartoon style with modern humor.

















Thank you for joining us at as we celebrate this talented duo’s artistry. Your support fuels our passion for sharing high-quality comics. Keep laughing, keep sharing, and stay tuned for more of your favorite comics!

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