Close to Home, created by cartoonist John McPherson, is a long-running single-panel comic strip known for its dark humor, absurdity, and highly relatable themes. Launched in 1992, Close to Home has garnered a loyal readership through its uncanny ability to depict everyday situations in hilarious and often exaggerated ways. McPherson’s humor is frequently surreal and doesn’t shy away from poking fun at society’s quirks and the oddities of daily life. His cartoons are widely recognized for capturing the humor in life’s mundane routines and sometimes bizarre human behaviors, which often elicit both laughs and “close to home” resonance in readers.
One of the distinctive elements of Close to Home is its art style. McPherson’s illustrations are simple yet effective, often emphasizing the awkwardness of the characters’ situations more than perfecting visual details. The humor lies not only in the cartoon captions but also in the exaggerated expressions and unusual setups McPherson creates. Whether it’s awkward family dynamics, workplace issues, or life’s little frustrations, Close to Home has a knack for hitting a universal nerve while also keeping things unexpectedly fresh.
If you’re looking for daily doses of humor to brighten your day, be sure to check out Close to Home comics on our site at Follow us for daily laughs and enjoy a fresh take on life’s quirks through McPherson’s unique comedic lens!
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