20 Dan Walsh Comics That Show Humor in the Most Unexpected Way

2 min

Irish artist and webcomic creator Dan Walsh is best known for his brilliant and unexpected twist on a classic comic strip—Garfield Minus Garfield. By removing the beloved orange cat from Jim Davis’s original Garfield comics, Walsh turns the focus entirely to Jon Arbuckle, Garfield’s often awkward and lonely owner. The result? A humorous yet deeply existential look at Jon’s life, filled with one-sided conversations and an eerie sense of solitude.

Beyond this project, Walsh continues to create thought-provoking humor, proving that small changes can lead to entirely new narratives. His work showcases how simplicity, clever editing, and an eye for the unexpected can turn even the most familiar comic into something fresh and engaging.

Profile info cartoonwalsh.com | Instagram | Facebook







Launched as a web project in 2008, Garfield Minus Garfield quickly gained a following for its minimalist yet impactful storytelling. Without Garfield’s snarky comebacks, the strip transforms into a surreal, almost melancholic reflection of human loneliness and absurdity. The concept resonated so much that it even led to an official book, published with Jim Davis’s approval.















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The Mirage

An Article Writer with A Love For Comics and Entertainment. I've Been Writing For "comics to read" For More Than A Year. I Am Passionate About Creating Engaging and Informative Content That Will Keep Readers Entertained.


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