20 Hilarious Wilde Life Comics By Pleumier, With Surprising Endings

If you want to enjoy life then you must look out for the wonders of nature, that are created for mankind, the artist’s comics put that world on to your screens.


The creative and talented person behind this strip is Pierre-Luc, a man whose heart ponds for nature. The artist’s comics portray the world where the animal speaks and show how their lives are going. The artist’s comics are loaded with unexpected twists and turns that will make you laugh out loud that you can’t resist. The artist’s comics will make the fan of nature and will make you explore them.

The artist’s comics are hand drawn which shows his dedication to art and makes his style the different one. The artist has been working in this industry for more than four years and has gathered a fan following of 7000 on Instagram. Watch out for his top 20 and latest comics that will bring a smile to your face.

Credit pleumier

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