20 Thomas Wykes Comics Portrays The Adulthood Dark Humor with Twist and Turns

Dark humor has become a part of everyone’s life, a day without seeing dark humor is not a normal person’s part of life, the artist has gathered the wonder of dark humor for you in one panel.

The creative and innovative person who brings this strip to you is Thomas Wyke. The artist has nailed the way to portray the dark humor. Each panel of this strip will make you laugh in the dark. The artist has chosen adulthood daily life problems from politics to the office. The artist’s comics are loaded with unexpected twists that will stay in your mind forever. The artist has reached the master level of portraying dark humor in one panel.

It is not easy to sum up the story in one panel but the artist’s comics will tell that to him, it’s as easy as pie. The artist has been part of this webcomics society for more than ten years and has gained a huge following of 13000 on Instagram. Watch out for his top 20 comics that will hover over your day like black clouds and make your day darker.

Credit Thomas Wyke

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