20 Jbomb Creative Portrays The Struggles Of Retail Worker

You are in a good or bad mood it doesn’t matter, you have to greet all the customers with happy faces. The artist’s comics hilariously portray these hardships.


The talented and creative person behind this strip is Jake Gerard, a person who brought this idea to life. The artist portrays the problems faced by retail workers through his comic strip, where we can see a boy in blue and a girl in orange managing the store. The artist’s comics portray the problem behind the persons we interact with on a daily basis but don’t think of them. The artist’s comics also portray dark humor that will make you laugh in the dark.

The artist first left his work but then he came back again with a fresh mind and creative ideas that you can see more about on his Instagram. The artist has gained a following of 12000 on Instagram through the hard work of seven years in this industry. Here are his top 20 comics that will you the ride of joy.

Credit Jbomb Creative

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