20 Art by Juliet Comics Illustrates Girl’s Daily Life Struggles

The perfect illustration of girls’ lives and their problems is done by this French artist, the artist portrays the story of a girl who lives alone in the forest with her bear and has a passion for witchcraft.

Juliet’s clever and creative mind works behind this strip called Art by Juliet. The artist skillfully portrays each problem in girls’ lives. The artist has also put the story of her relationship in her comics. The artist characterizes the story of a girl living in the woods with the only support of a bear. She is passionate about the potions and visits witches to learn about them. The artist’s character describes the strength of girls living alone. Her comics are hope and support for girls living alone in big cities to follow their hobbies.

The artist’s comics are relatable to every girl living alone or in a relationship. The story of witchcraft is filled with plot twists and unexpected turns. The artist has a huge following of 90000 on her Instagram that she has gained through the hard work of six years. Here are the best and latest 20 comics that are going to give you the ride of joy.

Credit Art by Juliet

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