20 Proidemtes Comics Illustrates Random Dark Humor Moments

Dark humor revolves all around us every day but we don’t have such a mind at that time to capture it the artist has a grip on his mind that catches these types of dark humor very quickly


The person whose dark, hilarious, and witty humor combines and makes this strip called Proidments is Stan Korabelnikov. The artist has put all his effect, collected the dark humor, and crafted the best among them. The artist can see every little moment of dark humor that we normally don’t usually capture. The artist has a unique style in which he crafts comics, that’s why his dark humor is prominent.

The artist translates craft comics into two languages which makes it difficult but he has power over that. The artist has been working in this industry for more than 10 years and has gained a following of 10k on Instagram. Here are the latest and loaded with dark humor two-panel 20 comics.

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