The generation that is going to come after us is going to deal with many problems that nobody has seen before. the artist portrays the story of some problems.
The artist portrays the lines of problems that are going to be faced by our upcoming generations and provides them with the solution. The artist describes every problem through the view of an expert who knows the seriousness of issues. The artist portrays the main problem that is social media which has become the right of every upcoming person. The artist portrays how much it is harmful for this generation and to newborns. The media has put the madness of getting famous and known on the internet.
People are doing anything to be famous and earn money with shortcuts which is a bad habit for any type of person. The artist also portrays the problem of gender and has supported the lgbtq group but I don’t stand with it. God has created two genders and there will be two genders male and female. Everybody is free to express their thoughts so is I. Here are 20 comics that are Going to give you the ride of joy and brigteen your day.
Credit Blobby and Friends
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