20 Comics Illustrates The Vampires Life By Human Angle

The artist portrays how the vampires will act if they enter the human world. The vampires always carry a sword and they are always ready to fight.

The artist behind this comic’s story is Matthew Wills a person full of hilarious thoughts. In his comics, you will find silly stories and scary characters which are all vampires. The vampire world is not the same as the human world you always have to get ready for the fight for your living.

The artist’s story revolves around the character holding swords and always speaking the language of war. The characters are warriors always ready to face any problem. He has 213k followers on Instagram. He has been in this field of webcomics since 2013. He is living in New Zealand. Here are his most absurdist and hilarious 20 comics for you to have fun.

Credit swordscomic

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