30 Comics With Surprising Endings And Dark Humor By Dimitri Piankov

Is it true or not that you are drenched in regular work like others then you really want to revive your state of mind? Today, we present a comic with unexpected turns and dark humor. Meet the gifted craftsman Dimitri Piankov who makes a clever comic with his exceptional feeling of incorrigible humor,

blended in with eccentricism and a little parody. We trust this can light up your temperament! The motivation for the craftsman to fulfill a comic comes from making individuals. Dmitry told that it takes him four to six hours to complete a drawing. The comic book will be published by the artist, who enjoys making them.

He has 3000+ adherents on Instagram who like his comic without question. The craftsman takes legitimate feelings from his companions subsequent to making a comic. Also, deals with the comics. Look down to see Dimitri’s most recent comic!

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