20 Witty Comics That Will Add Humor to Your Day

3 min

John McPherson’s Close to Home is a beloved single-panel comic strip that finds humor in the ordinary, transforming everyday situations into laugh-out-loud moments. Since its debut in 1992, the comic has entertained readers with its exaggerated characters, bizarre scenarios, and relatable yet absurd takes on modern life.

What sets Close to Home apart is its ability to turn mundane experiences like office meetings, family gatherings, and doctor visits into hilarious, unexpected situations. McPherson’s humor often leans toward the offbeat and slightly absurd, making readers see their daily routines in a whole new light. Whether it’s an over-the-top handyman disaster, an awkward social encounter, or an unusual pet behavior, each panel delivers a fresh dose of comedy.

Credit John McPherson

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McPherson’s art style is instantly recognizable, with his slightly exaggerated and quirky character designs adding to the humor. While the visuals are simple, the expressions and body language of his characters perfectly enhance the punchlines. Much like The Far Side and The Argyle Sweater, Close to Home thrives on observational humor with a twist. The comic continues to be syndicated in newspapers and online, proving that laughter truly is found in the most unexpected places.















For fans of offbeat, laugh-out-loud comics, Close to Home is must-read. Looking for more daily humor? Visit ComicstoRead.com for a fresh selection of comics that will keep you smiling!

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An Article Writer with A Love For Comics and Entertainment. I've Been Writing For "comics to read" For More Than A Year. I Am Passionate About Creating Engaging and Informative Content That Will Keep Readers Entertained.


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