20 Tubby Nugget Comics Portrays The Life Of Bunny

The cutest of cutest bunny or bear whatever you want to name it, has dealt with human tradition is portrayed by this comic artist.

Joshua Drew and Jenine Pastores are two creative and talented minds behind this strip, they both are a couple. The artists’ comics spread the vibes of positivity and love that make you delight. The artist’s comics portray the humorous life of the bunny who has entered the human world and trying to adjust himself to human traditions and cultures. The artist’s comics will make you laugh out loud.

The artist’s comics are loaded with twists and turns that will make your day brighter. The artist has been working in this webcomics society for more than seven years and has gained a fan following of 2.7 million on Instagram. The artist’s fan following is in millions across all platforms. Watch out for their 20 comics that will give you the ride of joy.

Credit Tubby Nugget

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