20 The Immortal Think Tank Portrays The Hilarious Story Rabbit

2 min

The rabbits are not seen anywhere as pets but they are loaded with cuteness if these cute animal gets up and start helping the humans with their problems the artist’s comics portray the exact story of a rabbit.

The name of the creative artist behind this strip is Ché Crawford, a person who finds it easy to use rabbits as pets. The artist’s comics portray the friendship bond of that rabbit with his human friend who he likes to help them with any problem. The artist is a top-table RPG player, which makes her mind more productive, and she also crafts comics about her game.

The artist’s comics are hilarious and humorous and loaded with expected twists. She entered the world of webcomics in early 2019 making her the best artist with experiences of five years. Here are her 20 best comics that are going to give you the ride of joy and don’t forget to share these with our best friends.

Credit The Immortal Think Tank

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Zaki Hassan

I am an SEO Optimize Content Writer,crafting daily comics blog on this website to share happiness and humor amoung you.


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