20 Solasaki Comics Portrays Artist’s Different Perspectives on Various Occasions

To go the depth of anything or to learn about a new thing you have to understand what other people think about it, the artist’s comics will tell you the same story but from a different angle.

The talented and creative person behind this strip is Surbhi Suman, a girl who likes to portray what she thinks about what people are thinking about various issues. The artist’s comics will make you think about anything differently after you read them. It’s saying that don’t make arguments with people because of their different ideologies than you, the artist’s comics portray a different perspective and it is going to amuse you and you will laugh out loud.

The artist portrays the two men with no legs wearing yellow and red colors, why the artist chose this nobody knows but it makes it look funnier. The artist has gained a following in the 5000 on Instagram thought the hard work of four years. Watch out for her 20 comics that I gathered for your entertainment.

Credit solasakicomics

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