20 Single Panel Comics Shows The World Where Cats Rule By Scott Metzger

2 min

Cats have their own rules and regulations that humans have to obey otherwise you are going to deal with the worst part of your life and you are going to regret it.

Scott Metzger a professional cartoonist and creative person is behind this strip. The artist’s comics are loaded with fun. The artist portrays the humans with same technologies we have but animals are living their lives in it. The main character is a cat who likes to live according to what she wants. They have families and proper schools where they teach their upcoming generation. The artist has created a world, where cats live like humans.

The artist’s comics are relatable to every cat owner from any part of the world. The artist has a unique style that makes him different from others. The artist has a following of 77k on Instagram which is a big achievement for single panel artist. He has this following through the experience of nine years. Here are 20 of his best comics that is going to make your day brighter.

Credit scottmetzgercartoons

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Zaki Hassan

I am an SEO Optimize Content Writer,crafting daily comics blog on this website to share happiness and humor amoung you.


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