20 Silly And Sarcastic Comics By Gryzlock

2 min

The artist has read 80s comics all the time and His comics are a mashup of the new webcomics of Gen Z world and the old classic comics with a touch of his hilarious art.

The creative and innovative mind behind this strip is Gryzlock. When he had nothing to do in Covid he decided to make comics to keep himself busy. The artist’s story revolves around the generation gap. The artist portrays how a man from a world where things were simple entered in the most complicated modern world.

He has 10k followers on Instagram. He started his journey by working for Imurg. He is currently living in Canada. He has been working in this field for the past three years. His comics are full of dark humor. Here are 20 comics that gathered for you to enjoy

Credit Gryzlock

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Zaki Hassan

I am an SEO Optimize Content Writer,crafting daily comics blog on this website to share happiness and humor amoung you.


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