20 Rubes Comics Packed with Dark Comedy and Hilarious Endings.8 July 2024

2 min

Rubes Cartoons by Leigh Rubin offer a hilarious look at the world through animal eyes with witty humor and funny cartoons Rubes Cartoons were a well-loved form of entertainment to thousands with 3,000 fans on Instagram and another incredible following of 27k Facebook users.

Rubes creator Leigh Rubin is no mere cartoonist; he’s a maser storyteller about everyday things with an added dash of nuttiness. If they might seem disposable now, that’s only on the surface -In his role as at The Rochester Institute of Technology also extends far beyond his own comics and will hopefully inspire young cartoonists with his careful design process for years to come.

As a Sitdown Comic and Creative Speaker, he regales audiences with humor & common sense. The fact that he is a father, brother and husband to only name but three of the hats this diverse man wears undoubtedly gives his work depth in perspective which intertwines common experiential reality.

Credit Rubes Cartoons

Profile info  instagram | facebook | rubescartoons.com





















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