20 Potatopato Comics Portrays The Cute Of Parrot and Human

Parrots are very intelligent and trained pet that will give you unbeatable entrainment, the artist’s comics portrays the story of the same parrot.


The creative and talented people behind this strip are Cynthia and her bird Buddy. The artist’s comics revolve around the incidents that happened with Buddy and how she deals with him. The artist portrays the fun of having another bird who can pass a comment on you like a human and will never make you depressed. The artist’s comics are loaded with chuckles and dark humor that will make you laugh in the dark.

The artist’s comics will make you love parrots and their level of humor. The artist has been working in this industry for more than six years and has gained a fan following of 5600 on Instagram. Check out her 20 of the greatest and latest comics that I gathered for your entertainment.

Credit Potatopato

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