20 Niall Breen Comics Portrays The Love World Of Forg and Bear

2 min

It is saying that love is blind, it can be made between two persons with opposite personalities, not gender, the artist portrays this humorous love of bear and frog with twists and turns.

The creative and talented person behind this strip is Niall Breen, whose mind works differently from other people. The artist’s comics are a love story of a frog and a bear living in a world where no one can disturb them. They both use expression to tell their feelings but the artist gives them lines that make their story more understandable. The artist’s comics show that two people with opposite personalities can be in love and understand each other if they truly care for one another.

The artist draws comics by hand and without using any colors because the lines are so beautiful that they don’t need any type of colors. The artist has been working in this industry for more than eight years made a successful career and gained a following of 300k on Instagram. Look at these 20 comics that I gathered for your entertainment.

The artist comi

Credit Niall. Breen. comics

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Zaki Hassan

I am an SEO Optimize Content Writer,crafting daily comics blog on this website to share happiness and humor amoung you.


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