20 Needle Wig Comics Ends With Dark Humor

The comics which don’t have any twists and dark humor are not enjoyable. So for those people here the comics of artists are loaded with twists and unexpected endings.

Deividas Tamosiunas is a creative and innovative mind behind the comic strip name Needle Wig. The artist’s comics meet the perfect requirement of dark humor comics lovers. These are actually cartoons filled with colors. The artist knows how to put color but also to remain on the side of dark humor. His dark humor doesn’t have any territory to stay in it.

He has been in this world of webcomics since 2019. He is living in Denmark and crafting comics full-time. He says It takes him five to ten hours to make one strip. He has 22k followers on Instagram. Here are 20 comics that will give you the ride of joy.

Credit Needle Wig

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