20 Lingvistov Comics Describe How Much Cats are Attention Seekers

2 min

The most attention-seeking animal I have ever seen is none other than the cat. The artist portrays who his cat find a way to get his attention

Landysh is the person who crafts these Lingvistov comics for us. She is the person who didn’t learn any art because her mother didn’t allow her to learn art, but the stories portrayed by her are hilarious. She belongs to the Philippines, and that doesn’t need to be told.

She has been working in webcomics for the last eleven years. She has 500k followers on her Instagram page. her comics are relatable to every cat owner around the world. here are 20 comics that I gathered for you to enjoy and will make your day better,

Credit Lingvistov Comics

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Zaki Hassan

I am an SEO Optimize Content Writer,crafting daily comics blog on this website to share happiness and humor amoung you.


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