20 Lemon Sandwich Comcis Portrays A Faceless Human World

What if one day you woke up and saw that you’re face is shapeless and your whole body is covered in white color, The artist portrays the story of the same character in that world.

The artist portrays how life will be only in color. The artist portrays the story of the character who is with shapeless face. The artist’s story is the story is the story of the modern world in which people are living a life in which emotion or feeling doesn’t matter, The artist’s comics are true representations of people who are just working and working without caring about their social and personal life need some attention.

The artist’s comics tell the importance of emotion and expression in our lives. The artist’s comics are loaded with dark humor where life is ready to make the sandwich of you. The artist has the experience of eight years in this world of webcomics. Here are 20 of his comics that are going to put the expression of love and joy on you.

Credit Lemon Sandwich

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