20 Jim K Benton Comics Loaded With Weird Jokes

2 min

Jokes that reach the boundaries of dark humor that will shock you for an instant of time, the artist’s comics portray the same story.

The creative and innovative person behind this strip is Jim, a man who has been part of this industry for more than two decades. He has worked on 11 comic strips, Happy Bunny is the most famous among them. This particular strip gained widespread popularity and became a favorite among fans of dark humor. His versatility as a comic artist has made him stand out in the industry, allowing him to connect with readers in various ways.

Jim’s experience in the industry has not only helped him develop his skills but also allowed him to leave a lasting impact on the world of comics. The artist joined the webcomics society in 2015 and has gained a fan following of 51000 on Instagram. Here are 20 comic mixes of his artwork that will put a smile on your face.

Credit Jim K Benton 

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Zaki Hassan

I am an SEO Optimize Content Writer,crafting daily comics blog on this website to share happiness and humor amoung you.


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