We love to enjoy the sweet honey presented to us on the table but have you ever thought about how the struggle it faces to get to you the same thing is portrayed by the Artist
Her Name is ɴɪᴢᴢɪᴇ she portrays the struggle of beekeeping through her comics. She has been in the world of comics since 2015. She started it with beekeeping but now her comics include her own story. She also has the knowledge of witchcraft which is a young is stunning thing but she learn it through her interest.
If you explore her comics you will find the personality of the adventurous and wild girls who love to play games with full spirt and courage. If you search about her you can’t find her account because if the same name artist who works in the porn industry. She has 125k followers on her Instagram page. Here are her 20 comics in which you can see her all personalities
Credit Honeychan
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