20 Himelblog One Panel Comics Portrays The Biological Facts

What If there were comics that would amuse you and make you learn biological Facts, the artist has done this thing through this comic strip.

The creative and talented mind behind this strip is Ed Himelblau, a Biology professor. The artist is a professor at Calpoly University of California. Yes, there are some people whose minds are sharp in studies as well as in co-curricular activities, the artist is one of them. The artist portrays the facts about the rumors in our society and educates us. The artist portrays the fun they have during experiments in the lab.

The artist’s comics are loaded with twists and turns, that will make laugh in the dark that you can’t resist it. The artist has been working in the industry for more than six years and has gained a following of 3000 on Instagram. Watch out for 20 of the greatest comics that will make you say brighter and more amusing.

Credit himelblog

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