20 Hand Drawn Falseknees Comics Illustrates The Story Of Birds

2 min

The birds are the only wild pets that we can sit around and have quality time These birds are the natural aroma that makes nature beautiful by their voices and colors. The artist humorously portrays the story of a bird and their lifestyle.

The mind with a keen interest in nature is Joshua Barkman, whose storylines have only birds. He portrays the love for birds where are doing hunt of birds just to fulfill their desires. The artist’s comics are hand-drawn which makes them unique. The artist competently portrays the problems of birds while working on his storyline. His main bird is an owl.

False Knees has won the Broken Frontier award for Best Webcomic 2021 and many more. The artist is a nature lover and wants to save its charm. The artist has 750k followers on Instagram. Here are his 20 comics that will make you know the importance of nature and birds.

Credit Falseknees

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Zaki Hassan

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