20 Greb Comics Whoes Frog Soup Recipe Is Full Of Humours Things

If you are a soup lover or have the best recipe for stew soup then you can relate to this strip. The character Named Frog Soup loves to make everyone soup, and his specialty in cooking is soup, he even made soup for the shopkeeper from where he bought the vegetables

The man behind these types of stories is Greb who is a thirty-year-old Scot man. He started his journey in 2019 without having a degree in arts. He got inspiration from fellow comics artists and knows he is doing the Comics full time. He features Soup Frog, Baby Duck, and Baby Dino. His comic world is full of love and love where everyone has friends and enjoys their lives.

It doesn’t matter if someone has a degree in arts or not but the experience of 30 years of life speaks in strips. If you want to join check the given profiles below. His comics are drawn just like by the kid in his 11s but the story is the kid of 30s. Here are 20 comics for you to have the ride of joy.

Credit Greb Comics

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