20 Funniest Comics to Lighten Up Your Day

2 min

Imagine a world where Garfield, the iconic orange cat, vanishes—leaving his owner, Jon Arbuckle, to interact with… no one. That’s exactly the concept behind Garfield Minus Garfield, the brilliantly surreal webcomic by Irish cartoonist Dan Walsh.

Launched in 2008, Garfield Minus Garfield takes classic Garfield strips and removes the famous feline, transforming them into a surprisingly deep (and often hilarious) exploration of human solitude. What was once a humorous back-and-forth between Jon and his cat now becomes a series of strangely existential moments, where Jon appears to talk to himself, struggle with loneliness, or simply exist in an absurd vacuum.

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The result? A mix of humor and melancholy that has captivated audiences worldwide. Fans love how the absence of Garfield shifts the tone of the comics, highlighting Jon’s quirks in a way that’s both funny and oddly relatable. The project even gained the approval of Garfield creator Jim Davis, who found Walsh’s take on his work fascinating. Dan Walsh, who hails from Dublin, has a long history with comics, starting as a child drawing multiple-ending story. His creative approach to storytelling continues to spark discussions on humor, art, and the way we see ourselves in everyday life.















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An Article Writer with A Love For Comics and Entertainment. I've Been Writing For "comics to read" For More Than A Year. I Am Passionate About Creating Engaging and Informative Content That Will Keep Readers Entertained.


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