20 Comics Portrays The Girl Dealing With Social Anxiety

Every person on this social media is dealing with the problem of Social Anxiety, the artist will teach you how to deal with it through her comic strip humorously.

The name of the artist remains unknown. The artist’s comics are all about her social anxiety and her relationship life. Social anxiety has become the problem of every upcoming teenager in this introverted life. The new era and the use of social media make the person live in solitary and this results in the problem of social anxiety, to overcome this we have to interact with people, this can done by using social apps, which will help us to interact with people worldwide.

The artist’s comics will teach how she overcame this problem. The artist has been working in his society of webcomics for more than four years and has gained a fan following of 10000 on Instagram. Here are her 20 of the great comics that I gathered for your entertainment.

Credit artofananimator

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