If you are a science student or seeking to increase your power of knowledge related to animals then you are at the right place. This Artist portrays not only facts but also the reaction of those animals related to facts.
Brooke Barker is a writer and illustrator who lives in the Netherlands and illustrates the Sad facts related to the Animals. Humans not only have sad emotions Animals have sadness which is according to us but they are living happily. These facts describe the things the Animals are not Granted but what they can do nor humans can do these are the Laws Of Nature and give us the message that there is someone who carefully manages all the things.
Here comics not only contain sad facts but many facts are humorous and can be enjoyed. She started her journey through copywriting. You can not only enjoy her comics, you can learn new things and increase your knowledge. Here are 20 comics for you and don’t forget to share with your Animal Lover Friend.
Credit SadAnimalFacts
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