20  ChickenPupPie Comics Illustrates The Relationship Stories of Two Pups

2 min

After seeing too many animal names you might be confused let me clear. The artist portrays the couple’s life of pups living the in the world of humans and humans technology.

She didn’t reveal her name. The artist loves to illustrate her humorous bond with her husband in the life of two pups. The pups also have their own story. She uses pups because the ears are easy to draw. She has worked for a long time as a freelancer but now she posts her own comics. She has been doing it as a hobby, so she is not so active on Instagram.

Her story is not only amazing but also the illustration of the pup makes it humors. She has been working for himself and posting her own comics since 2021. She is living with her husband in the United States. Here are 20 comics gathered for you to enjoy and don’t forget to share them with your partner.

Credit ChickenPupPie

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Zaki Hassan

I am an SEO Optimize Content Writer,crafting daily comics blog on this website to share happiness and humor amoung you.


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