20 Brown Paper bag Comics that will describe the Humouros life of Brown People

In the world of webcomics, there seemed to be no artist who could portray the humor full life of brown people until I came across the Brown Paper Bag Comics. For an instant, I was in shock to see his work in an era of comics which I find relatable because I am also a brown person. 

His name is Sailesh Gopalan an Indian artist who started his journey in 2016. He was born in 1994 in a backward area of India. It is not a matter of fact that brown people are different across the borders, these borders only make them fall apart otherwise they all are the same and share the same humor. He posted his comics and it was an instant boom for the people who are fans of comics. 

 In the beginning, it was not easy for him to portray an Indian culture but he made it humorous which is his specialty. His comic story revolves around a character named Kabir who belongs to a religious family. His comics are full of brown people society things like how their parents are strict which is a good thing but when it goes beyond the limits it’s not good. His artwork is not only for brown people he also  made many comics that any person can relate

Credit: Brown Paper bag 

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