20 Amusing And Weird Comics Based On Daily Life Situations Created By Erinske

The Australian artist, having dedicated an entire month to the craft of making comics, reflects on a journey spanning nearly 18 months, expressing a nuanced perspective on the digital realm. In a world often saturated with memes and instant gratification, this artist shares a sentiment of disillusionment with the internet, shedding light on the intricate relationship between creators and their audience.

Having committed to a daily practice of creating comics, the artist delves into the intricacies of human emotions and desires. The acknowledgment that comics, as an art form, don’t always have to adhere to the pursuit of fun aligns with a deeper understanding of the complexities of life. This departure from the conventional notion that art should always be entertaining suggests a desire to explore the full spectrum of human experiences through the medium of comics.

The artist’s assertion that people don’t always get what they want and that this can lead to upset resonates with a certain realism. By expressing this viewpoint, the artist positions their work as a reflection of the unpredictable and sometimes challenging nature of existence. In this, there is an implicit call to embrace the authenticity of life’s ups and downs rather than succumbing to the constant pursuit of joy.

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