Problems that boys think are small can be big problems for girls. The artist’s comics show these issues in a funny way.
The creative and innovative person who brought this strip to you is Elise Ngo. The artist’s comics are loaded with humorous things that only girls can relate to. The artist’s comics are loaded with unexpected twists that will make you laugh out loud. The artist’s comics portray that type of issue that boys think is not a big problem but it can have a great impact on girls if not solved with girl humor. Keep eating cookies because a cookie a day keeps the doctor away, the artist said.
The artist’s comics are true representations of girl life that will make you laugh that you can’t resist. The artist has been working in the industry of webcomics for more than six years and has gained a fan following of three hundred on Instagram. Watch out for her 20 comics that I gathered for your entertainment and will put a smile on your face.
Credit A Cookie A Day
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