A part of the day that is controlled by some other people is called a day in a work life, the artist’s comics portray the same story of work-life humorously.
The artist put his creativity into the most boring life of a work life. The artist’s comics portray the duck who is dealing with the dark life of work. The artist’s comics are the perfect blend of dark humor and comedy that will make you laugh out loud. The artist’s comics portray the daily struggle of workload in a humorous way. The artist’s comics are related to every man who works in an office or in any field.
Who wants to go to work but it comes to the survival of the man family. The artist’s comics will make you feel that you can overcome these problems. The artist has gained a following of 300 through hard work over two years. Check out his 20 comics that will get you on the ride of joy.
Credit joe goose man
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